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How Can We Utilize Our Lock Down Period?

As we all know our Quarantine period is extended and it is becoming unbearable for us. We all have spent these last 21 days or I can say most of us have spent these last 21 days by just using the Mantra of  Eat, Sleep, Netflix and Repeat. Please just admit we are bored of that. So, here I am with 6 daily routine which we can follow for next 19 days as of now, to kill time easily during this Lock down. And you never know if you like it you may extend your routine.

1. Spend Time With Your Family.

Make the Most of Your Time at Home

    Being with each and every family member only happens when we are on a vacation. This is the first time for everyone we are with our family for more than 21 days and still going on. I am not asking to spend the whole day with your family as I can understand it is difficult for a lot of us. However, what we can do is we can just spend our meal time with our Family. We can Talk. Laugh, Discuss, Cherish the moments with our Family during our meal time. We mostly eat 3 times a day? 3 times a day for half an hour is enough to spend some quality time with our Family. Make this a routine and you will feel more closer to your family members.

2. Make Exercise Your habit.

Exercise at Home to Avoid the Gym During COVID-19 Outbreak

 We all had a lot of excuses to avoid exercising in our daily routine. We have to get up early for our
School, College, Work. By the time we get home we are tired or we have more work to do. Weekends? Weekends are to chill not to exercise. What excuses do we have now?  Because of this Lock down we have become lazy our daily sleeping and waking up routine is disturbed and I must warn everyone once the Lock down is over we all will find it difficult to get back to our old routine of getting up early. We can make exercising as a part of our routine. Wake up early, exercise for about an Hour, Take your bath, Have your breakfast. If you feel tired take a Nap. Start with other routines which I will mention below. This way you can go back bed early. We all must know this once we get the habit of exercising daily there is no going back. Exercising  is very addictive and its better to be a fitness Addict than anything else.

3.Discover One Hobby.

Hobbies Are Great – level 3 | News in Levels

As we all are at home doing nothing, We can utilize this time to do something creative on our own we can develop a hobby or we can work on a hobby that we already have but never did because of our busy schedule. I was having a hobby of writing but it used to be in my notepad and that was it. I never thought I can utilize my hobby by writing blogs. However, because of this Lock down I got plenty of time to write blogs. You all also can Write,Read, Draw, Paint, Bake, Cook etc.

4. Volunteer Work.

Image may contain: one or more people, dog and outdoor

This Lock down is not the same for everyone. We are relaxing during this Lock down because we have a stable lifestyle and that we know we work in a corporate and we will surely receive our salary by the end of the month. But, there are a lot of people out there suffering who used to earn daily wages and are not receiving their wages because of the Lock down. Stray dogs are dependent on us because of the Lock down they are sleeping hungry and they cannot even ask for help.There are a lot of organization who are providing Grains and Groceries for these people and Food for the stray dogs. You can become a part of one of these organizations and help them volunteer. Volunteering will not only give them a helping hand but also it will make you feel good by doing such good deeds.

5.Help Mom.

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Everyone is resting and having their off from Work, School, College. But, what about our mothers? Its not the same for them and actually the work is multiplied for them. In normal days when everyone used to be at their Work, School, College our Moms used to have some time for herself where she could relax. Now as we all are at home she have to work more right. Because we are hungry after every 2 Hours. We can help our Mothers right? not all the works but the atleast the little ones. This can lessen her burden.

6. Watch one series or Movie Daily.

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Doing all these work all day we should have some time to relax right? We should watch one series or A Movie daily. Let me correct here Series or Movies which inspires us. We all know Movies impact our lives a lot. That's the motive of these Series and Movies. To Motivate us, To Inspire us. Movies can be a Bad as well as good influence for us. Watch movies which Inspires us to be a better person. We all sure does know Tons of inspiring movies. So just watch One Movie or One Series daily. Keep the crap aside and watch the good stuff.

As I mentioned before if you like any of these routine or all of them you can extend your routine even if the Lock down ends. Make the best use of this Lock Down.



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