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Showing posts from April, 2020

How Can We Utilize Our Lock Down Period?

As we all know our Quarantine period is extended and it is becoming unbearable for us. We all have spent these last 21 days or I can say most of us have spent these last 21 days by just using the Mantra of  Eat, Sleep, Netflix and Repeat. Please just admit we are bored of that. So, here I am with 6 daily routine which we can follow for next 19 days as of now, to kill time easily during this Lock down. And you never know if you like it you may extend your routine. 1. Spend Time With Your Family.     Being with each and every family member only happens when we are on a vacation. This is the first time for everyone we are with our family for more than 21 days and still going on. I am not asking to spend the whole day with your family as I can understand it is difficult for a lot of us. However, what we can do is we can just spend our meal time with our Family. We can Talk. Laugh, Discuss, Cherish the moments with our Family during our meal time. We mostly eat 3 times a day? 3 time

5 Signs of Depression

Symptoms/Signs of Depression may vary from person to person. Some may experience  some signs while some may not.  Here are some of the common signs of Depression.   1. Constant Loneliness.             A person may feel lonely when there is no one around which is common and can happen to a person who is not in depression. Constant Loneliness is something where there are people around you to talk but still you feel lonely. There is a room full of people with whom you can talk but you choose to be alone. It can be a person's choice as well to be alone but they enjoy this loneliness. However in the case of a Depressed person He/She does not enjoy being lonely but is somehow unable to share His/Her feelings to people thinking that they may or may not understand what they are going through.In this case the person choose to stay silent. 2. Loosing Interest     Depression hits person's will power. They feeling bored or they feel they can't do it even before trying

How To Find Your Passion?

Each and every person have a passion in life. We just have to Find that passion and make it work. I didn't knew I have passion for writing until the age of 18. Being an Extrovert I never thought writing will be something I will enjoy. But here I am writing about it. So, You just need find that one thing you never knew you could do and just do it. 1.Ask Yourself. Do you have a hobby, or something you loved doing as a child, but never considered it as a possibility? Whether it’s reading comic books, collecting something, making something, creating or building, there is probably a way you could do it for a living. Open a comic book shop, or create a comic book site online. If there’s already something you love doing, you’re ahead of the game. Now you just need to research the possibilities of making money from it. 2. Research. Discovering Passion can be challenging. Sometimes its just inside us we know what are we good at.But Sometimes its really tough

5 Easy Treks For Beginners In Sahyadri Ranges.

Fitness Freaks and Adventure Lovers who are willing to trek. Here are 5 easy treks one can do if you are a beginner. 1.  Kalsubai Trek. (Everest of Maharashtra) Kalsubai  is a mountain in the Western Ghats Located in the Indian state of Maharashtra.It is the Highest Peak in Maharashtra with summit situated at 5400 feet.It can be complete in one day with lush green landscape and several waterfalls on its way .Well discovered trekking routes are build to reach the summit. One requires quite good endurance to complete the trek. No need to worry determination to reach the summit also helps. How to reach: By Road: Via Igatpuri on Mumbai-Nashik route and reach the base village. By Train: Reach Kasara railway station and from there private or public transport to reach the base village. (Bari Gaon) 2.  Harishchandragad (Kokankada) Via Pachnai Harishchandragad  is a hill fort located in Ahmednagar district. It is one of the most ancient fort. Harishchandragad is mention

4 Major reasons behind lack of attention.

          Paying Lack of attention may lead to serious issues.Here are the 4 major reasons behind lack of attention. 1. Sadness. Feeling Sad is one of the reason behind paying less attention or paying no attention towards work/studies.We may think being sad is normal or sadness is temporary, but this temporary sadness may lead to affect our attention power. 2. Lack Of Interest. When we have less interest or no interest in a particular topic we tend to ignore talking or discussing about the topic. Usually students who have lack of interest on a particular subject or usually kids who choose a field in which they have no interest, they choose that field just under the pressure of their parents pay lack of attention towards that field and usually later give up. It is very important for person to choose a field of their interest to enjoy that field. 3. Stress. Stress impacts majorly in our Physical and Mental health.We tend to experience a lot of physical ch